Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bowling for Dollars

It's a good thing I don't, or I'd be losing money. But today I managed to get one spare among many gutter balls. Alexandra, where are the bumpers when I need them? Thanks for encouraging me to write, since you are probably the only one reading this.
I hope this is our last snow day, we are all getting a little crazy.
But I am getting some much needed things done, like unanswered mail and I even got to the store today. It's looking good for the weekend.
And I promise not to complain when this all melts and my backyard is a slushy mess!
All in all, February is a good month, some of my favorite people were born, including Abraham Lincoln.
And to the special little gal reading this, you are one of the best!
See you at the lanes, with the bumpers next time!!


April said...

I'm reading too! Keep posting!

klu said...

Nice job, Uncle Max!

Nikki said...

I am reading too!

The World of Abbie said...

HAHAAA!! Did you catch that Alexandra called you Uncle Max? Good times! But Mom, seriously we all did fine without the bumpers.
Just kidding, we probably should have used bumpers