Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Auld Lang Syne

"The year is dying, in the night, Ring out wild bells and let him fly"
We sing that song every year at church the Sunday before New Years and the kids always chuckle.
This year Walt said, "NO, we won't sing it becaus Sis Geis is not the music director anymore" (It's her favorite)
But alas, we sang it anyway and big smiles flashed across our row on Sunday.
2009 is going to be a good year for me, at least I'm going to try to make it into one.
There's joy out there to be found, so I will do my best to find it.
Enjoy the festivities tonight, whatever you find yourself doing!


Nikki said...

Yes I still Chuckle about Ringing out Wild Bells. Remember that year we made our own party hats and Amy made the bell one. OH how I hate/love that song!

The World of Abbie said...

woww!! I remeber that!! April looked at the bulletin and was like, Oh my!! We are actually singing it!