Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It has been so fun to watch the cousins interact and hang out this month.
On Memorial Day weekend, the older girls, Becca, Abbie, Amanda and Alexandra, had a sleepover at Grandpa's where they did scrapbooking, played games and collected their candy at the parade. But mostly they giggled, and I treasure the memory.
This week, the younger cousins, all nine of them, hung out here at Grandma's and had a ball with each other.
All of them under the age of ten, but they adore each other.
Some quotes from the little folks:
Claire, age 3, as she is exploring my bedroom.
"Grandma, is this your room?"
"Where is Grandpa's room?"
"Do you sleep in the same bed?"
We have an extra bed in our attic room, so she was just wondering.
Ava, age 4, to Claire as they were saying goodbye.
"Bye, Claire, I love you!"
Nora, age 3, not wanting to be outdone by her sister.
"Bye, Claire, I like you very much!"
Then there was the tennis match at the park between Maddie(6) and Ian(7) and Noah(9) vs. Abbie(12) Of course the younger cousins "won" with their "lucky tennis balls"
No rain, fun times, and a tired, but HAPPY Grandma!

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